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Sample Messages

As parents, we’re deeply concerned about the world our children will inherit. We wish from #FromOurHearts that our leaders will hear us to make the world a better place by ending fossil fuels.

Our love for our children fuels our passion for change. I am a father advocating for the Fossil Fuel Treaty and cleaner air. #FromOurHearts

The future health of our children is our top priority. We are taking a stand #FromOurHearts to call for an end to fossil fuels and clean air.

Our kids deserve a world with clean air and a healthy environment. That’s why I am speaking #FromOurHearts and looking to be heard. Eliminate fossil fuels and leave a better planet for our children.

The future health of our children is our top priority. We are taking a stand #FromOurHearts to call for an end to fossil fuels and clean air.

Our kids deserve a world with clean air and a healthy environment. That’s why I am speaking #FromOurHearts and looking to be heard. Eliminate fossil fuels and leave a better planet for our children.

As parents, we’re committed to safeguarding our children’s future. We truly and strongly wish #FromOurHearts to end fossil fuels and secure clean air for them. Join us in this vital mission!

To all political leaders at COP28, our children are counting on you. Keep children in your decisions by ending new fossil fuels and supporting policies and decisions for a healthy future for all our kids! #FromOurHearts

World leaders, as you convene at COP28, remember that children should be at the heart of your decisions. Say no to new fossil fuels, support our wishes #FromOurHearts and secure cleaner, healthier world for our children. Please sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty.

Dear leaders at COP28, our children’s well-being is in your hands. Make their future brighter by ending new fossil fuels and signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Let your children guide your decisions. We are parents and we are speaking #FromOurHearts

Dear leaders at COP28, our children’s well-being is in your hands. Make their future brighter by ending new fossil fuels and signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty. Let your children guide your decisions. We are mothers and we are speaking #FromOurHearts

At COP28, let’s unite in the mission to prioritise our children. Political leaders, please say no to new fossil fuels and support our prayers  for a healthy future for all our children #FromOurHearts.

To our world leaders at COP28, we entrust the future of our children. Keep chidren  in your priorities by ending new fossil fuels. We speak #FromOurHearts and we all wish good health for all our children. Surely there is no debate about that!

At COP28, we urge all political leaders to make decisions with our children in mind. #FromOurHearts we wish for a world of no fossil fuels. Let’s secure a brighter future for our children, yours and ours.

Leaders of the world, as you gather at COP28, remember to keep all our children in your deliberations. Join the call to end new fossil fuels and as moms, we ask you #FromOurHearts to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty. A cleaner, healthier future is within reach.

Dear politicians and leaders at COP28, the time has come to prioritise all our children in your decisions. Say no to new fossil fuels and hear parents like us speak #FromOurHearts. Our children’s health, future and a sustainable world depend on it.

To the leaders at COP28, our children’s well-being should be the driving force behind your decisions. Prioritise #KidsFirst by ending new fossil fuels and supporting #FromOurHearts. Do sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty for their brighter future.

Calling on politicians and leaders at COP28 to keep children in their decisions, all our children. Let’s ensure a cleaner, healthier future for our children by saying no to new fossil fuels and signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty. #FromOurHearts

Our heartfelt wish is for our children to breathe clean air. Let’s make it happen together. We are saying No new fossil fuels #FromOurHearts and asking all to sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty, and prioritise our children.

We are taking a stand for a world with no new fossil fuels. #FromOurHearts, we ask world leaders to endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty, and put children  in the quest for a cleaner, healthier world.

Let’s unite to protect our children’s future. No new fossil fuels. Sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty  and ensure Clean Air for our children! #FromOurHearts

We are driven by the dream of a healthier world for our children. We are saying NO to new fossil fuels #FromOurHearts. Join us in signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty and prioritising all our children and their healthy future.

We wish for a cleaner world for our children, free from new fossil fuels. We wish that #FromOurHearts  and hope this wish for all our children’s future is heard by world leaders when they meet at COP28!

Our children’s well-being is our top priority. Join us in the fight for a world free from new fossil fuels. Parents, leaders all must support #FromOurHearts and sign the Fossil Fuel Treaty.

We are speaking #FromOurHearts, advocating for a world for our children without new fossil fuels. Let’s unite in signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty and secure clean air for our children’s future.

The time has come to say no to new fossil fuels. As mothers, we speak #FromOurHearts and call to end fossil fuels. Let’s prioritise our children and their future in ensuring a healthier world!

Our children deserve a world free from the burden of new fossil fuels. Join us in supporting #FromOurHearts and signing the Fossil Fuel Treaty for their health and a cleaner planet.

#FromOurHearts, we are committed to a future with no new fossil fuels. Together, let’s endorse the Fossil Fuel Treaty and make clean air a reality for our children!